1 d’ag. 2008

B.S.O. 26/07-01/08/2008

Howe Gelb: Spun Some Piano
VV.AA.: Momentos 2002

Talk Talk: Asides Bsides CD. 2

Jimi Tenor: Intervision

Djavan: Kancepolski Compilation

Lisabö: Egun Bat Nonahi

Neko Case: Fox Confessor Brings The Flood

Early Days Miners: Let Us Garlands Bring

Dakota Suite: Navigators Yard

Gérard Souzay & Dalton Baldwin: Robert Schumann. Liederkreis, opus 24

B.T.: Embracing the Sunshine

Howe Gelb: Where's the Mirror Ball? Live at Sidecar. Barcelona, 2005-03-05

Helicopter Girl: Angel City

Orlando Cachaíto López: Cachaíto

Jethro Tull: Songs from the Wood

VV.AA.: Momentos 2006. Volumen II. Canciones Internacionales

Touré Kunda: E'mma Africa

Antònia Font: Batiscafo Katiuskas

VV.AA.: Les Indispensables - Electrónica hecha en Francia 07/08

Les Musiciens de Provence: Vol. 4. Instrumentos Antiguos. Música de la Edad Media y del Renacimiento

Giant Sand: Live at Rockefeller Music Hall. Oslo, 2001-03-04

Pixies: Planet of Sound

Miles Davis Quintet: The Legendary Prestige Quintet Sessions Vol. 1

Tom Waits: Alice

They Might Be Giants: No! Songs for Children

Polar: Surrounded by Happiness

Gerardo Núñez: Jucal

King Crimson: Thrak

The Kinks: The Kinks Are The Village Green Preservation Society (Special Deluxe Edition)

Pauline en la Playa: Tormenta de ranas

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