B.V.O. 22/01-04/02/09
Thomas Schlamme: The West Wing 01x01. Pilot
Mary Harron: American Psycho
Thomas Schlamme: The West Wing 01x02. Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc
Stephen Williams: Lost 05x01. Because You Left
Jack Bender: Lost 05x02. The Lie
Mark Buckland: The West Wing 01x03. A Proportional Response
Steve Bendelack: Little Britain 01x01. Bath of Beans
Steve Bendelack: Little Britain 01x02. Tallest Man
??: Lost 05x00. Destiny Calls
Rod Holcomb: Lost 05x03. Jughead
Steve Bendelack: Little Britain 01x03. Eating hard-boiled eggs
Steve Bendelack: Little Britain 01x04. Cigarette smoking
Guy Ritchie: RocknRolla
Dany Boon: Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis
Michael Lehmann: The West Wing 01x04. Five Votes Down
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