B.V.O. 28/04-07/05/2009
- fumbol
- Alex Zakrzewski: The Wire 04x09. Know Your Place
- Ernest Dickerson: The Wire 04x10. Misgivings
- Brad Anderson: The Wire 04x11. A New Day
- Joe Chappelle: The Wire 04x12. That’s Got His Own
- Ernest Dickerson: The Wire 04x13. Final Grades
- Paul Edwards: Lost 05x14. The Variable
- basquembol
- fumbol
- Werner Herzog: Encounters at the End of the World
- fumbol
- fumbol
- Stephen Williams: Lost 05x15. Follow the Leader
- Ernest R. Dickerson: The Wire 05x02. Unconfirmed Reports
- Joy Kecken & Scott Kecken: The Wire 05x03. Not for Attribution
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