15 de set. 2009

B.V.O. 08-15/09/2009

Peter Horton: The Shield. 02x04. Carte Blanche
Terrence O'Hara: The Shield 02x05. Greenlit
Quentin Tarantino: Death Proof
Scott Brazil: The Shield 02x06. Homewrecker
Scott Winant: The Shield 02x07. Barnstormers
Paris Barclay: The Shield 02x08. Scar Tissue
Peter Horton: The Shield 02x09. Co-Pilot
Davis Guggenheim: The Shield 02x10. Coyotes
Brad Anderson: The Shield 02x11. Inferno
Felix Alcala: The Shield 02x12.Break Point
Scott Brazil: The Shield 02x13. Dominoes Falling

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