7 d’oct. 2009

B.V.O. 29/09-07/10/2009

Dean White: The Shield 04x08. Cut Throat
Philip G. Atwell: The Shield 04x09. String Theory
Scott Brazil: The Shield 04x10.Back in the Hole
Stephen Kay: The Shield 04x11. A Thousand Deaths
David Von Ancken: The Shield 04x12. Judas Priest
Stephen Kay: The Shield 04x13. Ain’t that a Shame
D.J. Caruso: The Shield 05x01. Extraction
Guy Ferland: The Shield 05x02. Enemy of Good
Stephen Kay: The Shield 05x03. Jailbait
Guy Ferland: The Shield 05x04. Tapa Boca
Philip G. Atwell: The Shield 05x05. Trophy
Michael Chiklis: The Shield 05x06. Rap Payback
Dean White: The Shield 05x07. Man Inside
D.J. Caruso: The Shield 05x08. Kavanaugh

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