Jack Bender: Lost 04x05. The Constant
Eric Laneuville: Lost 04x06. The Other Woman
Stephen Semel: Lost 04x07. Ji Yeon
Stephen Williams: Lost 04x08. Meet Kevin Johnson
Jack Bender: Lost 04x09. The Shape of Things to Come
Stephen Williams: Lost 04x10. Something Nice Back Home
Paul Edwards: Lost 04x11. Cabin Fever
Stephen Williams: Lost 04x12. There's No Place Like Home Pt. 1
Jack Bender: Lost 04x13+14. There's No Place Like Home Pt. 2+3
Stephen Williams: Lost 05x01. Because You Left
Jack Bender: Lost 05x02. The Lie
Rod Holcomb: Lost 05x03. Jughead
Stephen Williams: Lost 05x04. The Little Prince
Paul Edwards: Lost 05x05. This Place Is Death
Stephen Williams: Lost 05x06. 316
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