15 de set. 2011

B.V.O. 02-15/09/2011

Ed Bianchi: The Killing. 01x10. I'll Let You Know When I Get There
Nicole Kassell: The Killing. 01x11. Missing
Keith Gordon: The Killing. 01x12. Beau Soleil
Brad Anderson: The Killing. 01x13. Orpheus Descending
Adam Bernstein: Breaking Bad. 04x01. Box Cutter
Michelle MacLaren: Breaking Bad. 04x02. Thirty-Eight Snub
David Slade: Breaking Bad. 04x03. Open House
Colin Bucksey: Breaking Bad. 04x04. Bullet Points
Michelle MacLaren: Breaking Bad. 04x05. Shotgun
Michael Lehmann: True Blood. 04x11. Soul of Fire
Scott Winant: True Blood. 04x12. And When I Die
Michael Slovis: Breaking Bad. 04x06. Cornered

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