B.V.O. 20/10-04/11/2011
Guy Ferland: Sons of Anarchy. 04x02. Booster
Peter Weller: Sons of Anarchy. 04x03. Dorylus
Billy Gierhart: Sons of Anarchy. 04x04. Una venta
Paris Barclay: Sons of Anarchy. 04x05. Brick
Guy Ferland: Sons of Anarchy. 04x06. With an X
Gwyneth Horder-Payton: Sons of Anarchy. 04x07. Fruit for the Crows
Paul Maibau: Sons of Anarchy. 04x08. Family Recipe
David Platt: The Good Wife 03x03. Get a Room
Claudia Buthenhoff-Duffy: Komeda - A Soundtrack for a Life
Billy Geirhart: Sons of Anarchy. 04x09. Kiss
Frederick E. O. Toye: The Good Wife 03x04. Feeding the Rat
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