10 de gen. 2012

B.V.O. 26/12/2011-10/01/2012

Brad Anderson: Boardwalk Empire. 02x09. Battle of the Century
Jeremy Podeswa: Boardwalk Empire. 02x10. Georgia Peaches
Allen Coulter: Boardwalk Empire. 02x11. Under God's Power She Flourishes
Tim Van Patten: Boardwalk Empire. 02x12. To the Lost
David Chase: The Sopranos. 01x01. The Sopranos
Dan Attias: The Sopranos. 01x02. 46 Long
Nick Gomez: The Sopranos. 01x03. Denial, Anger, Acceptance
John Patterson: The Sopranos. 01x04. Meadowlands
Allen Coulter: The Sopranos. 01x05. College
Allen Coulter: The Sopranos. 02x08. Full Leather Jacket
Henry J. Bronchtein: The Sopranos. 02x09. From Where to Eternity
John Patterson: The Sopranos. 02x10. Bust Out
Tim Van Patten: The Sopranos. 02x11. House Arrest
Allen Coulter: The Sopranos. 02x12. The Knight in White Satin Armor

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