16 de jul. 2012

B.V.O. 06-16/07/2012

Michael Waxman: Touch 01x09. Music of the Spheres
Jon Cassar: Touch 01x10. Tessellations
Jirí Trnka: Román s basou
Jirí Trnka: Staré Ceske povesti
Nelson McCormick: Touch 01x11. Gyre (Part 1)
Greg Beeman: Touch 01x12. Gyre (Part 2)
Michael Lehmann: True Blood 05x05. Let's Boot and Rally
Jody Hill: Eastbound & Down. 01x01
David Gordon Green: Eastbound & Down. 01x02
John Dahl: Falling Skies 02x05. Love and Other Acts of Courage
David Gordon Green: Eastbound & Down. 01x03
David Gordon Green: Eastbound & Down. 01x04
Adam McKay: Eastbound & Down. 01x05
Luis García Barlanga: Calabuch
Daniel Attias: True Blood 05x06. Hopeless

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