27 de des. 2012

B.V.O. 19-27/12/2012

Greg Nicotero: The Walking Dead. 03x05. Say the Word
Dan Attias: The Walking Dead. 03x06. Hounded
Dan Sackheim: The Walking Dead. 03x07. When the Dead Come Knocking
Billy Gierhart: The Walking Dead. 03x08. Made to Suffer
Seth MacFarlane: Ted
Michael Zinberg: The Good Wife. 04x01.I Fought the Law
Rosemary Rodriguez: The Good Wife. 04x02. And the Law Won
Brooke Kennedy: The Good Wife. 04x03. Two Girls, One Code
Michael Zinberg: The Good Wife. 04x04. Don't Haze Me, Bro
Frederick E. O. Toye: The Good Wife. 04x05. Waiting for the Knock
Tony Gilroy: The Bourne Legacy
Josh Charles: The Good Wife. 04x06. The Art of War
James Whitmore, Jr.: The Good Wife. 04x07. Anatomy of a Joke
Rosemary Rodriguez: The Good Wife. 04x08. Here Comes the Judge

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