17 de febr. 2015

B.V.O. 10-17/02/2015

Alex Graves: Homeland. 04x08. Halfway to a Donut
Seith Mann: Homeland. 04x09. There’s Something Else Going On
Dan Attias: Homeland. 04x10. 13 Hours in Islamabad
Clark Johnson: Homeland. 04x11. Krieg Nicht Lieb
Lesli Linka Glatter: Homeland. 04x12. Long Time Coming 
Nicole Kassell: The Killing. 04x01. Blood in the Water 
Lodge Kerrigan: The Killing. 04x02. Unraveling
Ed Bianchi: The Killing. 04x03. The Good Soldier
Gregory Middleton: The Killing. 04x04. Dream Baby Dream
Coky Giedroyc: The Killing. 04x05. Truth Asunder
Jonathan Demme: The Killing. 04x06. Unraveling 
Greg Nicotero: The Walking Dead. 05x09. What Happened and What’s Going On Julius Ramsay: The Walking Dead. 05x10. Them 
Guillermo del Toro: The Strain. 01x01. Night Zero 
David Semel: The Strain. 01x02. The Box

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