B.V.O. 17-25/05/2009
Clark Johnson: The Wire 05x10. -30-
Ari Folman: Vals Im Bashir
Operación Gorgorito: 7 años ejecutando (a la) música
Allen Coulter: Damages. 01x01. Pilot. Get me a Lawyer
Greg Yaitanes: Damages. 01x02. Jesus, Mary & Joe Cocker
John David Coles: Damages. 01x03. And my Paralyzing Fear of Death
Lawrence Trilling: Damages. 01x04. Tastes Like a Ho-Ho
Jean de Segonzac: Damages. 01x05. A Regular Earl Anthony
Mario Van Peebles: Damages. 01x06. She Spat at Me
Lawrence Trilling: Damages. 01x07. We Are Not Animals
Guy Ferland: Damages. 01x08. Blame the Victim
Thomas Carter: Damages. 01x09. Do You Regret What We Did?
Timothy Busfield: Damages. 01x10. Sort of Like a Family
Ed Bianchi: Damages. 01x11. I Hate These People
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