B.V.O. 5-25/11/2011
Felix Alcalá: The Good Wife 03x05. Marthas and Caitlins
Carsten Christochowitz, Christian Hund & Uwe Wältring: Music from the Moon
Sergio Castro: Electrodomésticos. El frío misterio
J.J. Abrams: Super 8
Peter Weller: Sons of Anarchy. 04x10. Hands
Gwyneth Horder-Payton: Sons of Anarchy. 04x11. Call of Duty
Dean Parisot: The Good Wife 03x06. Affairs of State
Brooke Kennedy: The Good Wife 03x07. Executive Order 13224
Joshua Marston: The Good Wife 03x08. Death Row Tip
Rosemary Rodriguez: The Good Wife 03x09. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
Paris Barclay: Sons of Anarchy. 04x12. Burnt and Purged Away
John Dahl: Dexter. 06x01. Those Kinds of Things
SJ Clarkson: Dexter. 06x02. Once upon a Time...
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