13 de març 2013

B.V.O. 27/02-13/03/2013

Lesli Linka Glatter: The Walking Dead. 03x09. The Suicide King
Seith Mann: The Walking Dead. 03x10. Home
Greg Nicotero: The Walking Dead. 03x11. I Ain't a Judas
Marcos Siega: The Following. 01x01. Pilot
Marcos Siega: The Following. 01x02. Chapter Two
Liz Friedlander: The Following. 01x03. The Poet’s Fire
Jeff Nichols: Take Shelter
Jacques Becker: Montparnasse 19
Henry Bronchtein: The Following. 01x04. Mad Love
Malik Bendjelloul: Searching for Sugar Man
Tricia Brock: The Walking Dead. 03x12. Clear
Phil Abraham: The Following. 01x05. The Siege

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